Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Memory on The Raining

There are a lot of reason why i did not like going to faculty. First,there are a lot of bookwormies who could bite me with their cleverness and suck my brain. Second,it is bad situation that I have ever seen before. And the last, every one did not like me here. It was suitable to be my enemy. I think it’s OK. I did not fear with them all. I just did not want to see them. If it was necessary, i want to see tigers ate and snagged them all before I killed them. You know why i hated his faculty. Actually, it is not my favorite and not suitable for my talent,but it was caused my mothers want. My mother wanted me to be a great lawyer whereas I wanted to study at the Faculty of Agriculture. I like gardening so much ,but my mother wanted me to study at The Law Faculty.
I sat down on the chair in front of the chair. The class will begin fifteen minutes later. Well, I decided to read the material first. I thought that was not reading –enough last night. Suddenly, it was raining. I saw a lot of water dropped into the earth . they moistened and freshened everything that they touched to. They touched-grass well. That grass looked like dancin happily as if they sang a beautiful song which only could be understood by their movement. I kept looking at those dancing-grass ahead. After a long time ,they captivated me into the dark place. It become dark till I was blind and forget everything.
“Riko, where are you,honey? ” My mother called me loudly. She brought something in her hand. She brought needle and thread to assk me to put the thread into the needle.
“I’m here mam. Let me do it for you ,mom. What is it for?” I said when I had put the thread intomthe neeedle. Then, sehe gave me a smile. That was really an excelent smile that I have never seen before. Suddenly, her face become reaad looked at me angrily.
“ I have told to you that is forbidden to gardening for a man. You are a boy. You will be a lawyer like your father and not to be a farmer or even gardener. There will be test for The Law Faculty tomorrow. Have you Prepare everything?or even study for the test?” My mother pointed toward my face and destroyed all of my plants that I have she threw out the plants with her two hands.
”Please, don’t do that mam. They are my friend and also my life. They are creature,too,mom. I wnt to lecture in Agriculture Department. That’s all. I like gardening,om not to be a farmer.” I beseeched to my mother but I just got terrible scream sticking my heart.
“No gardening. No plants. It can be a big green house if I let it goes on. “ ,My mother said that and then she added. “ oyu rememberedd that your father passed away 2 years ago the only one , Riko. You are ny lovely son I hpoe you will be a success man. Don’t you want to be a success man and make your mother proud ?”,She cried and looked at my eyes by putting her hands on my shoulder. I could see her face. I wanted to cry as well. She huged me tightly and then she said that I was her lovely son.

“ Okay mom. I will study at The Law Faculty as you asked me to. I promise to be a successs man for you and make you proud of.” I said that when my mother still huged me out and sopped crying. Certainly,it made me at first, but I did not later.
“ Good,that’s my handsome son. Now study hard for the test tomorrow,dear.” My mother gave me a smile again.
“ Exactly,mom. I will. “ I ensured mom that everything will be fine,but I could not stop gardening. I will find the solution after the test.

Test for lecturing at the Law Faculty held on today. A lot of students were enthusiastic to join to. I did not know what about me. I think I just did it for my lovely mother that has endless affection for me. The test began at 8.00 a.m and i did not forget to pray. There were only two words on my mind—Show Time.

Two weeks later,there is an announcement whom the student desrve to study in that Law Faculty. Great, my name was on the third position. God bleesed me. It was caused by my mother’s pray. I was happy that day and told to my mother that my name was on announcement board. My mother huged me. And close her eyes. I remembered tahat moment. Then, I prepared everything to study there. I looked for my father’s books about law in the warehouse. I found a lot of book about law and also found a dusty book who had no name on its cover. When I opened the book, I saw there are a lot of something written. It was my father’s diary. I opened it till the end of the page. I found a letter and read it. In that letter, he my father told that he had chronic heart disease and never told to my mother to. Suddenly, my mother called me and asked me what I was doing in ware house. I tidied up everything and put the letter into the book. I come ton her.

Unimaginable, I had been 3 years on lecturing in Law Faculty. I was in sixth semester. It might be six months or one semester left. I also have best friend,Tia. She helpedd me to study about Law. That was why I got good value in every subject taht I took. Not only helping me to to study but also helped me to hide all of my plants in her house. My plants was placed in Tia’s house. Her Parents kew that i did it,but they both were happy by gardening a lot of plants could make their house fresh. My mother did not know this. I never used my mother’s money to make this garden. I worked as newsboy to. That was my hobby and unchangeable. I will die if I don’t keep gardening. I love plants. Tia had known,it was my my daily activities to do everyday. As a repayment for everything, I pick her up to to the faculty by bicycle. We werenever ashamed going through by bicycle. Particularly, it was the strangest day that I have never felt before. I do not know why. When Tia had sat down behind me on the bicycle and I was ready to pedal, I saw the shape of the woman came to me. That was my mother.Oh my goodness.
” Mom,what do you—“ I wanted ask her,but I caoud not.
“ Mom, I’m sorry. This my fault. I let Riko gardening in my house. If you want to scold,scold to me. Not to Riko. I’m a betrayer. ” Tia cried as well and i did not know what I have to do.
“ No,you—no “ my mother kept crying.
“ Mam, Riko like gardening so much and can not leave his hobby even he worked as a newsboy to make his own garden. But he had iven a great achievement on his study. You know what I mean, Mam?” Tia repeatedly rubbed to my mother’s shoulder to cool her down.
“ I’m sorry dear. I compeled what I want to. Now, you are my lovely son and my future. If i see you,I always remembred your father. Please forgive me,Riko?” My mother said it with a great sobbing.
“ I al;ways forgive you,Mom. I love you so much. ”,I huged her more and more thighly.
“ Now,I’m free of worry because you told me the truth. Promise to me ,this is the last lying. No more lying,OK?” Mother smiled at me.
“ I promise, No more lying,mom.“ I huged her.
“ Now go ahead and be quick! You’ll be late ot study on your faculty.” She messed my hair up.
“ Don’t be sad again,mom.”Riko is a good boy.” Said Tia.
“ I believe to you Tia. You are resonable to be Riko’s girlfriend.” Said my mother and made Tia’s cheek became red.
“ Mom,no comment for your statement. I just want to sat see you,Mom.” I thought what my mother was right,but I’m not Tia’s boy friend.
“ See you honey. Be careful.” She wave her hair and then go away.

Six months later,no subject was not granted. I got cum-laude for my value and my thesis. My name was on the first rank and I worked for Lawyer Co.—The community of lawyer that has its own office. More than seven years, I worked there and all of the cases taht I get finished satisfactorily. Certainly,It made Riko now as a famous lawyer in this city. My lecture was on Law Faculty recommending to be the lecturer in that Law Faculty. I accepted his recommendation to work there. Riko had been a lecturer in his own Law Faculty beside to be a famous lawyer.

My hobby was still my hobby. I succeed to make a great garden,but it is not garden. It was green house. Now Riko The Gardener had alovely one to care his own garden. Yes, she was Tia. She married to me after I had been a lecture. Tia had been a notary and loved me so much. We prepared to take the honey moon next week in Lombok and none can disturb.
“ Sir, I’m sorry. Do we have Human Right class today?” my student wake me up from my sleep. I did not realize that I slept for a moment and reminded me what my life was. Such is life. I smiled at him and tidy up my shirt. I also bring my book.
“ I’m sorry. I fall asleep for a moment. Come on,dude! Let’s begin the lesson.” I asked to my student to go to into th classroom. Like as usual, I teach them as a lecturer but if someone need helps to solve their cases, I will help. That was me. I was the lawyer and a good gardener ever.

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